The assignments are due at 11:59pm. The due dates for all assignments are on the syllabus page.
Late Policy:
All students have 4 free late days for the quarter.
You may use up to 2 late days per assignment with no penalty.
You may use late days for the assignments, project proposal, and project milestone.
You may not use late days for the final project report.
Once you have exhausted your free late days, we will deduct a late penalty of 25% per additional late day.
Example: You submit A1 one day late, submit A2 three days late, and submit A3 two days late.
You receive no penalty for A1, and exhaust one of your free late days.
For A2 the first two late days exhaust two of your free late days; the third day late incurs a 25% penalty.
For A2 the first late day exhausts your final free late day; the second late day incurs a 25% penalty.
For the project proposal and milestone we will deduct late days from each group member independently.
Where to Hand in
You will hand in the assignments electronically through myth and GradeScope.
For submission instructions follow the steps listed on the appropriate assignment page.
Do not email us your assignments.
Collaboration Policy
Study groups are allowed and students may discuss in groups. However, we expect students to understand and complete their own assignments. Each student must write down the solutions independently (without referring to written notes from the joint session) and hand in one assignment per student.
If you worked in a group, please put the names of your study group on your
assignment on top.
Honor Code: There are a number of solutions to assignments from past offerings of CS231n that have been posted online. We are aware of this, and expect that all work submitted by students will be their own. Like all other classes at Stanford, we take the student Honor Code seriously.