Note: This page is still being updated as we setup office hours and schedules start to settle. Office hours will begin early Week 2.

Office Hours

Staff information

These are the usual staff members who will be at each session, along with their areas of expertise (which may be useful for finding project advice).

Hao Li
Ziang Liu
Robot learning, inverse rendering
Jeff He
Robotics, RL, NLP
Haochen Shi
Tiange Xiang
Computer Vision
Zane Durante
CV + NLP, video understanding, hospital AI
Manuka Stratta
Computer Vision, Object Detection, Object Tracking, Autonomous Vehicles, CV/AI for Climate Change
Bokui (William) Shen
Computer Vision
Samuel Clarke
Robotics, Audio, Multimodal
Tanmay Agarwal
Multisensory Robotics (Tactile, Audio), Trajectory Prediction, Underwater Robotics Perception & Control, Multi-view 3D reconstruction
Yuan Gao
NeRF, Diffusion, Multimodal, Simulation
Manasi Sharma
CV (object detection, AVs, diffusion models), NLP
Samir Agarwala
3D Vision, Neural Rendering, Graphics
Eva Prakash
CV (video understanding), generative modeling, medical AI
Minjune Hwang
Robotics (Navigation, RLHF, Motion Planning), CV