
Updated lecture slides will be posted here shortly before each lecture. For ease of reading, we have color-coded the lecture category titles in blue, discussion sections (and final project poster session) in yellow, and the midterm exam in red. Note that the schedule is subject to change as the quarter progresses.

DateDescriptionCourse MaterialsEventsDeadlines
04/02 Lecture 1: Introduction
Computer vision overview
Course overview
Course logistics
[slides 1] [slides 2]
——— Deep Learning Basics
04/04 Lecture 2: Image Classification with Linear Classifiers
The data-driven approach
K-nearest neighbor
Linear Classifiers
Algebraic / Visual / Geometric viewpoints
SVM and Softmax loss
Image Classification Problem
Linear Classification
04/05 Python / Numpy Review Session
[Colab] [Tutorial]
12:30-1:20pm PT Assignment 1 out
04/09 Lecture 3: Regularization and Optimization
Stochastic Gradient Descent
Momentum, AdaGrad, Adam
Learning rate schedules
04/11 Lecture 4: Neural Networks and Backpropagation
Multi-layer Perceptron
Linear backprop example
Suggested Readings:
  1. Why Momentum Really Works
  2. Derivatives notes
  3. Efficient backprop
  4. More backprop references: [1], [2], [3]
04/12 Backprop Review Session
12:30-1:20pm PT
——— Perceiving and Understanding the Visual World
04/16 Lecture 5: Image Classification with CNNs
Higher-level representations, image features
Convolution and pooling
Convolutional Networks
04/18 Lecture 6: CNN Architectures
Batch Normalization
Transfer learning
AlexNet, VGG, GoogLeNet, ResNet
[slides 1] [slides 2] [review]
AlexNet, VGGNet, GoogLeNet, ResNet
04/19 Final Project Overview and Guidelines
12:30-1:20pm PT Assignment 2 out
Assignment 1 due
04/22 Project proposal due
04/23 Lecture 7: Recurrent Neural Networks
Language modeling
Image captioning
Suggested Readings:
  1. DL book RNN chapter
  2. Understanding LSTM Networks
04/25 Lecture 8: Attention and Transformers
Suggested Readings:
  1. Attention is All You Need [Original Transformers Paper]
  2. Attention? Attention [Blog by Lilian Weng]
  3. The Illustrated Transformer [Blog by Jay Alammar]
  4. ViT: Transformers for Image Recognition [Paper] [Blog] [Video]

04/26 PyTorch Review Session
12:30-1:20pm PT
04/30 Lecture 9: Object Detection and Image Segmentation
Single-stage detectors
Two-stage detectors
Semantic/Instance/Panoptic segmentation
  1. FCN, R-CNN, Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN, YOLO
  2. DETR: End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers [Paper] [Blog] [Video]
05/02 Lecture 10: Video Understanding
Video classification
Two-stream networks
Multimodal video understanding
05/03 Midterm Review Session
12:30-1:20pm PT
05/06 Assignment 2 due
05/07 Lecture 11: Visualizing and Understanding
Feature visualization and inversion
Adversarial examples
DeepDream and style transfer
05/09 In-Class Midterm
05/10 RNNs & Transformers
12:30-1:20pm PT
——— Generative and Interactive Visual Intelligence
05/14 Lecture 12: Self-supervised Learning
Pretext tasks
Contrastive learning
Multisensory supervision
Suggested Readings:
  1. Lilian Weng Blog Post
  2. DINO: Emerging Properties in Self-Supervised Vision Transformers [Paper] [Blog] [Video]
Assignment 3 out Project milestone due
Update: deadline moved to 5/17
05/16 Lecture 13: Generative Models
Generative Adversarial Network
Diffusion models
Autoregressive models
05/21 Lecture 14: OpenAI Sora
Guest Lecture by William (Bill) Peebles and Tim Brooks
05/23 Lecture 15: Robot Learning
Deep Reinforcement Learning
Model Learning
Robotic Manipulation
05/28 Lecture 16: Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence
Assignment 3 due
05/30 Lecture 17: Guest Lecture by Prof. Serena Yeung-Levy
06/04 Lecture 18: 3D Vision
3D shape representations
Shape reconstruction
Neural implicit representations
06/05 Project final report due
06/12 Final Project Poster Session
Time: 12:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Location: AT&T Patio (Gates Building First Floor)
Session A Check-in: 12 PM - 12:15 PM
Session A: 12:15 PM - 2:15 PM
Session B Check-in: 2:15 PM - 2:30 PM
Session B: 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM